Fashion, Art and Urban Alchemy

ASAP 5 – Art and the City, Detroit, Oct. 3-6, 2013

This panel takes as its focus the role that institutional intersections of art and fashion have played in reconstituting urban imaginaries in the post-Fordist economy. By focusing on cultural transformations in Toronto, Montreal, Vienna and Berlin over the last three decades, the papers explore from various angles how local histories and cultural topographies have been appropriated, mobilized, re-situated and adapted to meet the needs of the “creative city.”

Susan Ingram, Borders, Pictures, and Strawberry Foil: Refashioning the Countercultural Legacy of East Berlin

Markus Reisenleitner, Musealizing Art, Style and Fashion Avant-Gardes: Curatorial Practices and Cultural Memory in Vienna’s Museum of Applied Arts

Katrina Sark and Sara Danièle Bélanger-Michaud, Montréal Chic: Institutions of Fashions, Fashions of Institutions

Kathryn Franklin, Good to Glam: General Idea, Rough Trade and the Adorning of Toronto for “Haute Couture”

Jenna Danchuk, This Is(n’t) Paradise Anymore: Toronto’s ChromaZone Collective

Image of the presenters

Image from the presentation


The Woman Dress (dir. Giada Colagrande)

Matt Bolton, “Is Art Really to Blame for Gentrification?”